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Manager Quick Guide

10 Steps to Do a Well-Being Check-In

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One of the most important takeaways from recent research is the importance of the manager’s relationship with employees.

Especially in times of change or during a crisis – whether it be inside or outside the business – employees look to their managers for clarity and guidance on what the changes mean for the organization and for them personally.

Often, just knowing that their manager cares about them personally can go a long way toward improving the employee’s overall well-being.

Manager check-ins are one of the best ways to communicate with employees and show them that you are genuinely concerned about their well-being in and outside of work.

In this guide, 10 Steps to Do a Well-Being Check-In, we provide a simple process you can follow to successfully manage those check-ins.

The process covers how to:

  • Schedule a well-being check-in and set the context
  • Conduct the meeting with best practices in mind
  • Kick off your discussion and ensure a comfortable environment
  • Have a productive dialogue where employees feel heard and understood
  • And more

Employees who feel their managers genuinely care about their well-being naturally feel a greater commitment to their managers and to the company – and that’s a win for everyone.

To download a free copy of the manager quick guide, fill out the form.