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Build Stronger Leaders and Communicators

Our leadership development consulting services provide you with customized solutions to help leaders to be at their best and activate strategy, while engaging teams and driving productivity and performance.​

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Challenges We Help Address

Here are just some of the challenges clients use our leadership development consulting services to help them resolve.

  • Leaders Aren’t Aligned On Strategy

    Without leadership alignment on the strategy, your organization won't achieve it’s goals.

    Communicate Effectively, Clearly, and Drive Action

    We work with leaders to help solve common challenges associated with strategy communications, including:

    • Current communications don’t adequately reflect your vision or strategy
    • The strategy hasn’t been codified and there’s not clear alignment at the top
    • The strategy isn’t being embedded down the organization and leaders need help communicating it with their teams
    • Employees don’t know how what they do every day contributes to the company strategy and goals
  • Ineffective Leadership Communication

    Communicate, connect with, and inspire your teams and the organization.

    Effective Leader Communication Builds Trust & Drives Action

    We work with clients to address common leadership development and communication challenges, including:

    • Leaders don’t communicate in a way that engages and inspires their teams
    • There’s a lack of trust in leadership
    • Poor leadership scores or employee engagement scores
    • The organization or leadership are seen as inauthentic, and are failing to connect with employees
    • There’s high turnover
  • Changes in Leadership

    Create a solid foundation for new leadership.

    Helping New Executive Leaders Make an Impact

    We help executive leaders who take on new roles to:

    • Develop their 100 Day Plan to set the right tone with their team, immerse in the business and make an impact
    • Establish a core message platform and story library
    • Prepare and communicate organizational announcements
    • Tell their story and communicate the strategy in an effective way
    • Receive executive coaching and advising as they establish themselves in their roles

Communicate Effectively, Clearly, and Drive Action

We work with leaders to help solve common challenges associated with strategy communications, including:

  • Current communications don’t adequately reflect your vision or strategy
  • The strategy hasn’t been codified and there’s not clear alignment at the top
  • The strategy isn’t being embedded down the organization and leaders need help communicating it with their teams
  • Employees don’t know how what they do every day contributes to the company strategy and goals

Effective Leader Communication Builds Trust & Drives Action

We work with clients to address common leadership development and communication challenges, including:

  • Leaders don’t communicate in a way that engages and inspires their teams
  • There’s a lack of trust in leadership
  • Poor leadership scores or employee engagement scores
  • The organization or leadership are seen as inauthentic, and are failing to connect with employees
  • There’s high turnover

Helping New Executive Leaders Make an Impact

We help executive leaders who take on new roles to:

  • Develop their 100 Day Plan to set the right tone with their team, immerse in the business and make an impact
  • Establish a core message platform and story library
  • Prepare and communicate organizational announcements
  • Tell their story and communicate the strategy in an effective way
  • Receive executive coaching and advising as they establish themselves in their roles

The work you’ve done with our leadership team over the years has had a lot to do with our company’s success. You’ve made a real difference.

Senior Executive | Global Medical Technology Company

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We could not have made the progress we did without the fine tools you helped us develop.

Director, Diversity and Inclusion | Global Manufacturing Company

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We are fans for ​life because you helped us, made life easier for us ​and I know I can count on you…

Plant Manager | Global Automotive Parts Manufacturer

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Proven Results

Our senior team of leadership development consultants help clients make an impact and get results.

7 point increase in effectiveness of senior leadership communications
11 % increase in employees’ saying they can speak positively on behalf of the company
15 % rise in perceptions ​of communications to help employees do their jobs

Leadership Development Tools & Solutions

LeaderCommunicator™ Platform

Store all your core messages and personal stories in one place. It gives you:

  • An elevator speech that articulates your main message
  • Customized messages communicating your business goals and for your target audiences
  • Proof points to back up your key messages
  • Personalized stories to help you self-disclose and create an emotional connection
  • Mutual expectations for you and your team
  • A detailed outline of your most important messages

Watch a demo here.

Interactive Strategy Tools

Align on the most important elements of strategies with signature tools including a visual one-pager, and a multi-page, easy-to-read, interactive format for tablets and/or smart phones that hones in on the details, toolkits for leaders, roadshow decks, and more.

Executive Advising & Coaching

Experience a proven approach to advising and coaching senior executives, tailored to address the specific leadership and communication capabilities needed by the individual executive we’re working with.

The process varies based on the individual’s unique needs, but often follows this high-level approach to leadership development.

  • Intake – We review any documents that might be useful to inform our work together, such as performance reviews, 360-degree feedback, etc. We then conduct an initial meeting to discuss the process of coaching and advising, outcomes, the best ways to work together, as well as the path forward.
  • Discovery – During the discovery step, we interview 4-5 individuals familiar with what the leader does well, and how they can be even better. This information is compiled into a report, which is shared with with the leader as part of goal setting. 
  • Goal setting/plan – Based on discussions thus far, we work with the leader to identify 1-3 specific, measurable goals for the coaching engagement and develop an action plan. This often include ways to change behavior in selected areas as well as techniques to change perceptions of behavior.
  • Ongoing coaching – The leader and coach meet periodically to discuss what is working and what needs to change.
  • Check-in – After approximately six months, we conduct a mini-survey of the people interviewed in the Discover phase to determine progress overall and in selected areas of improvement.  Results are reviewed and celebrated. A plan is developed for ongoing efforts or ending coaching.

Ultimate Leader Tools™

A suite of proven methodologies designed to equip leaders at every level with the skills they need to connect with employees and their fellow leaders, driving business results through enhanced communications. Each tool serves a unique purpose and provides leaders with a powerful solution to common challenges.

Training & Development

We equip leaders with the knowledge and strategies they need to communicate with and engage their teams through custom training. Topics range from essential communication skills and leading with influence to communicating change, the organization's strategy, storytelling and more. Each training is designed for your unique audience and business needs to drive leadership development. 

180-Degree Communications Effectiveness Survey for Leaders

With LeaderCommCheck™, leaders can get important feedback from their direct reports and data to help:

  • Learn how direct reports view their leadership performance, particularly how they communicate
  • Understand their strengths and opportunities for improvement
  • Prepare an action plan for improvement
Results are compared to database norms and packed in an easy-to-read report, which is reviewed one-on-one with senior-level leadership and a communication coach.

Leadership Team Effectiveness Survey

Identify strengths and areas of opportunity for the leadership team in categories including clarity of team objectives and goals, mutual trust, open communications, mutual support, conflict resolution, utilization of team member resources, targets and team achievement of them, learning from mistakes and psychological safety, and degree of job satisfaction and pride. Addressing leadership development at a senior leadership team level often has a positive impact on business performance. 

Leader Listening

Learn from executives about their perceptions of current communication and what improvements they think are necessary. We will seek to understand their definition of ideal communication and what is required for the organization to get there.

Partner With
The Grossman Group

At The Grossman Group, we leverage our diverse leadership development experience on your behalf. Contact us to partner with an experienced, focused, and results-driven team of leadership communication experts.

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