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10 Steps to Help Employees Process Difficult Situations

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As the death toll of civilians in Israel and Gaza rises, employees around the world are struggling to process a wide range of emotions.

Employees working through the tragic events in the Middle East are looking to their leaders and managers for support – and sometimes an opportunity to share what they’re feeling.

While it can be difficult for leaders to say the exact right words during such a difficult time, saying nothing communicates something, too – and is often seen as insensitive.

To help leaders have empathetic, caring, and productive conversations with their employees, we've developed this quick guide, 10 Steps to Help Your Employees Process Difficult Situations.

The guide makes the point that communication on the issues in the Middle East today is not about making a political statement or taking sides. Instead, it’s about the importance of creating a safe and inclusive environment where employees are listened to and feel heard, understood, supported, and respected.

To download a free copy, fill out the form.